Viscas High Temperature Conductors, Viscas Low Drag Conductors
High Temperature Conductors
With requirements to uprate EHV circuit capacities becoming more common, new tower circuits or taller towers are not always feasible options. Viscas offers a range of products as an alternate solution.
High Temperature Conductors can deliver high current rating compared to convential ACSR conductors. With low sag characteristics, a Viscas high temperature conductor can be used on existing towers but deliver higher circuit capacities.
- Double current capacity available
- Operating temperatures up to 230°C
Viscas conductors have the same mechanical characteristics and appearance as standard ACSR. The installation procedures and tools are the same as those used for ACSR conductors. Additionally, each high temperature conductor is designed to replace the existing conductor. This negates the need to reinforce or replace towers.
Low Drag Conductors
INVAR Drag Reduced (DR) conductor is designed to reduce the loading on overhead towers. The unique shaping of the conductor allows wind resistance to be greatly reduced, and hence side loadings on the towers. This allows for significant savings in tower civil design and foundation work. Tests have shown a reduction in aerodynamic loads in the order of 30% compared to convential conductors.
Installation methods are the same as convential conductors.
Low Drag and High Temperature conductors can be combined into the one design to give large savings in tower designs.